How to Integrate IHP under SAML2 (Shibboleth)?

First of all, Happy New Year! I look forward to IHP’s continue growth in 2024!

I am looking at the feasibility of adopting IHP for our high performance computing center at the university, which uses Shibboleth as our SSO solution. How can IHP be integrated with a SAML2-based SSO? Ideally, I want to continue to use ensureIsUser and ensureIsAdmin to handle authorization.

Happy new year! Great to hear you plan to use IHP for this :slight_smile:

I’ve implemented SAML based auth once in one of our projects. You need to install the saml2-web-sso package from hackage and then use it as follows:

module Web.Controller.Sessions where

import Web.Controller.Prelude
import Web.View.Sessions.New
import Web.View.Sessions.NewWithEmail
import Web.View.Sessions.NewWithSAML
import qualified IHP.AuthSupport.Controller.Sessions as Sessions
import qualified IHP.AuthSupport.Lockable as Lockable

import qualified Network.Wreq as Wreq
import qualified Jose.Jwk as Jwk
import qualified Jose.Jwt as Jwt
import Control.Lens hiding ((|>), set)
import qualified Data.Aeson as Aeson
import qualified Config
import Web.Controller.Users (fillUtm, cleanupGuestUser, trackReferral)
import Web.Mail.Users.Welcome

instance Controller SessionsController where
    action NewSessionAction = Sessions.newSessionAction @User
    action NewSessionWithEmailAction = do
        let user = newRecord @User
        render NewWithEmailView { .. }
    action NewSessionWithSAMLAction = do
        let user = newRecord @User
        render NewWithSAMLView { .. }
    action CreateSessionAction = Sessions.createSessionAction @User
    action DeleteSessionAction = Sessions.deleteSessionAction @User

    action CreateSessionWithSAMLAction = do
        maybeCompany <- findCompanyByDomain (userEmailDomain' (paramText "email"))
        case maybeCompany of
            Just company -> do
                identityProvider <- company
                        |> get #identityProviders
                        |> fetchOneOrNothing

                case identityProvider of
                    Just identityProvider -> redirectTo SAMLAuthRequestAction { identityProviderId = get #id identityProvider }
                    Nothing -> do
                        setErrorMessage "We could find a company account, but SAML has not been enabled for your account. Try to sign in via email"
                        redirectTo NewSessionAction
            Nothing -> do
                setErrorMessage "There's no identity provider connected to your email address. Contact to get help"
                redirectTo NewSessionAction
module Web.Controller.SAML where

import Web.Controller.Prelude
import qualified SAML2.WebSSO.API as WebSSO
import qualified SAML2.WebSSO.API.Example as WebSSO
import qualified SAML2.WebSSO.Config as WebSSO
import qualified SAML2.WebSSO.Types as WebSSO
import qualified SAML2.WebSSO.XML as XML
import qualified SAML2.WebSSO.SP as WebSSO
import qualified SAML2.WebSSO.Error as WebSSO
import URI.ByteString.QQ
import URI.ByteString
import qualified Data.List.NonEmpty as NonEmpty
import qualified Data.X509 as X509
import qualified Data.PEM as PEM
import qualified Data.Either as Either
import qualified Servant.API.ContentTypes as Servant
import qualified Text.Blaze.Html as Blaze
import qualified Prelude
import qualified Data.Text as Text
import Control.Monad.Except
import qualified Data.TMap as TMap
import Control.Concurrent.MVar
import qualified Data.ByteString.Builder as ByteString
import qualified Data.CaseInsensitive as CI

import qualified IHP.AuthSupport.Lockable as Lockable
import qualified Web.Controller.Sessions
import qualified IHP.AuthSupport.Controller.Sessions as Sessions
import Web.Mail.Users.Welcome
import qualified Data.ByteString.Base64 as Base64
import qualified SAML2.Core
import qualified Text.XML
import qualified SAML2.XML

import qualified Text.XML.HXT.Core as HXT
import qualified Data.Tree.NTree.TypeDefs as HXT
import qualified Control.Monad.Error as Error

instance Controller SAMLController where
    action SAMLMetaAction = do
        context <- makeWebSSOContext

        meta <- WebSSO.runSimpleSP context do
            WebSSO.meta "" WebSSO.defSPIssuer WebSSO.defResponseURI

        case meta of
            Left someError -> someError
                |> tshow
                |> error
            Right meta -> meta 
                |> XML.encode
                |> cs
                |> renderXml

    action SAMLAuthRequestAction { identityProviderId } = do

        let idpId = WebSSO.IdPId (unpack identityProviderId)

        context <- makeWebSSOContext

        formRedirect <- WebSSO.runSimpleSP context do
            WebSSO.authreq' WebSSO.defSPIssuer idpId

        case formRedirect of
            Left someError -> someError
                |> tshow
                |> error
            Right formRedirect -> do
                let html = Servant.mimeRender (Proxy :: Proxy WebSSO.HTML) formRedirect
                respondHtml (Blaze.unsafeLazyByteString html)

    action SAMLAuthResponseAction = do
        let samlResponse = paramText "SAMLResponse"

        let authnResponseBody = WebSSO.AuthnResponseBody (WebSSO.parseAuthnResponseBody samlResponse) (error "AuthnResponseBody: not fully initialized")
        context <- makeWebSSOContext
        result  <- WebSSO.runSimpleSP context do
            WebSSO.authresp WebSSO.defSPIssuer WebSSO.defResponseURI handleVerdict authnResponseBody

        case result of
            Left e -> do
                setErrorMessage (tshow e)
                redirectTo NewSessionAction
            Right _ -> renderPlain "ok"

makeWebSSOContext :: _ => _
makeWebSSOContext = do
    idps <- fetchIdpConfigs
    pure $ WebSSO.SimpleSPCtx ssoConfig idps requestStore assertionStore

handleVerdict :: _ => WebSSO.AuthnResponse -> WebSSO.AccessVerdict -> WebSSO.SimpleSP ()
handleVerdict authnResponse accessVerdict = do
    case accessVerdict of
        WebSSO.AccessDenied reasons -> do
            WebSSO.logger WebSSO.Debug ( reasons)
            (throwError . WebSSO.Forbidden . cs $ Text.intercalate "; " (XML.explainDeniedReason <$> reasons))
        WebSSO.AccessGranted uid -> liftIO $ handleAccessGranted authnResponse uid

handleAccessGranted  :: _ => WebSSO.AuthnResponse -> WebSSO.UserRef -> IO ()
handleAccessGranted authnResponse uid = do
    setSuccessMessage "logged in"
    let issuer :: Text = uid
            |> get #_uidTenant
            |> get #_fromIssuer
            |> serializeURIRef
            |> ByteString.toLazyByteString
            |> cs

    idp <- query @IdentityProvider
            |> filterWhere (#issuer, issuer)
            |> fetchOne

    company <- fetch (get #companyId idp)

    let nameId = CI.foldedCase (WebSSO.nameIDToST (get #_uidSubject uid)) -- The saml user name

    let statements = authnResponse
            |> get #_rspPayload
            |> NonEmpty.head
            |> get #_assContents
            |> get #_sasStatements

        findAttributeStatementValue' :: Text -> Maybe Text
        findAttributeStatementValue' name =
            |> NonEmpty.toList
            |> mapMaybe (\case
                    (WebSSO.AttributeStatement (SAML2.Core.AttributeStatement attributes)) -> Just (attributes |> NonEmpty.toList)
                    _ -> Nothing
            |> join
            |> mapMaybe (\case 
                SAML2.Core.NotEncrypted (SAML2.Core.Attribute { attributeName, attributeValues }) | attributeName == (cs name) -> Just attributeValues
                _ -> Nothing
            |> \case
                [[[HXT.NTree (HXT.XText value) _]]] -> Just (cs value)
                _ -> Nothing

        findAttributeStatementValue :: Text -> Text
        findAttributeStatementValue name = findAttributeStatementValue' name |> fromMaybe ""

    existingUser <- query @User
        |> filterWhere (#companyId, get #id company)
        |> filterWhere (#samlNameId, Just nameId)
        |> fetchOneOrNothing

    case existingUser of
        Just user -> do
            isLocked <- Lockable.isLocked user
            when isLocked do
                setErrorMessage "User is locked"
                redirectTo NewSessionAction

            Sessions.beforeLogin user
            login user
            user <- user
                    |> set #failedLoginAttempts 0
                    |> updateRecord
            redirectUrl <- getSessionAndClear "IHP.LoginSupport.redirectAfterLogin"
            redirectToPath (fromMaybe (Sessions.afterLoginRedirectPath @User) redirectUrl)

        Nothing -> do
            randomPassword <- generateAuthenticationToken
            hashed <- hashPassword randomPassword

            let firstname = findAttributeStatementValue ""
            let lastname = findAttributeStatementValue ""
            let email = findAttributeStatementValue ""

            user <- newRecord @User
                    |> set #firstname firstname
                    |> set #lastname lastname
                    |> set #passwordHash hashed
                    |> set #companyId (get #id company)
                    |> set #isConfirmed True
                    |> set #email email
                    |> setJust #samlNameId nameId
                    |> createRecord
            sendToSlackAsync ("New User joined via invite to existing team: " <> get #firstname user <> " " <> get #lastname user <> " with email " <> get #email user)
            updateCompanySubscriptionSeats (get #companyId user)

            sendMail WelcomeMail { .. }

            login user
            redirectTo OnboardingFinishedAction

ssoConfig :: (?context :: ControllerContext) => WebSSO.Config
ssoConfig = WebSSO.Config
    { _cfgLogLevel = WebSSO.Debug
    , _cfgSPHost = "localhost" -- Not used
    , _cfgSPPort = 8000 -- Not used
    , _cfgSPAppURI = urlTo ShowDefaultFloorAction
            |> cs
            |> parseURI laxURIParserOptions
            |> Either.fromRight (error "Invalid url")
    , _cfgSPSsoURI = ?context
            |> getFrameworkConfig
            |> get #baseUrl
            |> (\url -> url <> "/sso/")
            |> cs
            |> parseURI laxURIParserOptions
            |> Either.fromRight (error "Invalid url")
    , _cfgContacts = [
        { _cntType = WebSSO.ContactSupport
        , _cntCompany = Just $ WebSSO.mkXmlText "digitally induced GmbH"
        , _cntGivenName = Just $ WebSSO.mkXmlText ""
        , _cntSurname = Just $ WebSSO.mkXmlText ""
        , _cntEmail = Just [uri||]
        , _cntPhone = Nothing

fetchIdpConfigs :: (?modelContext :: ModelContext) => IO [WebSSO.IdPConfig_]
fetchIdpConfigs = do
    idps <- query @IdentityProvider |> fetch
    pure (map identityProviderToIdPConfig idps)

identityProviderToIdPConfig :: IdentityProvider -> WebSSO.IdPConfig_
identityProviderToIdPConfig idp = WebSSO.IdPConfig 
        { _idpId = WebSSO.IdPId (unpack (get #id idp))
        , _idpMetadata = WebSSO.IdPMetadata
            { _edIssuer = WebSSO.Issuer (unsafeParseUrl (get #issuer idp)) -- [uri||]
            , _edRequestURI = (unsafeParseUrl (get #requestUrl idp)) -- [uri||]
            , _edCertAuthnResponse = certs
        , _idpExtraInfo = ()
        unsafeParseUrl text =
            |> cs
            |> parseURI laxURIParserOptions
            |> Either.fromRight (error "Invalid url")

        certs =
            |> get #certAuthnResponse
            |> cs
            |> PEM.pemParseLBS
            |> \case
                Left message -> error (tshow message)
                Right [pem] -> pem
            |> get #pemContent
            |> X509.decodeSignedCertificate
            |> \case
                Left message -> error ("failed to decode cert saved into db:" <> tshow message)
                Right cert -> cert
            |> \a -> NonEmpty.fromList [a]

requestStore :: (?context :: ControllerContext) => MVar WebSSO.RequestStore
requestStore = ?context
        |> getFrameworkConfig
        |> get #appConfig
        |> TMap.lookup @(MVar WebSSO.RequestStore)
        |> fromMaybe (error "Could not find RequestStore in config")

assertionStore :: (?context :: ControllerContext) => MVar WebSSO.AssertionStore
assertionStore = ?context
        |> getFrameworkConfig
        |> get #appConfig
        |> TMap.lookup @(MVar WebSSO.AssertionStore)
        |> fromMaybe (error "Could not find AssertionStore in config")
module Web.Types where

import IHP.Prelude
import IHP.ModelSupport
import Generated.Types
import qualified Data.Aeson as Aeson
import IHP.LoginSupport.Types
import qualified Network.WebSockets.Connection as WS

data WebApplication = WebApplication deriving (Eq, Show)

instance HasNewSessionUrl User where
    newSessionUrl _ = "/NewSession"

type instance CurrentUserRecord = User

data SessionsController
    = NewSessionAction
    | NewSessionWithEmailAction
    | NewSessionWithSAMLAction
    | CreateSessionWithGoogleAction
    | CreateSessionWithSAMLAction
    | CreateSessionAction
    | DeleteSessionAction
    deriving (Eq, Show, Data)

data SAMLController
    = SAMLMetaAction
    | SAMLAuthRequestAction { identityProviderId :: !(Id IdentityProvider) }
    | SAMLAuthResponseAction
    deriving (Eq, Show, Data)

Here’s our nix package definition for the SSO package:

{ mkDerivation, aeson, asn1-encoding, asn1-parse, asn1-types, base
, base64-bytestring, binary, bytestring, case-insensitive
, containers, cookie, cryptonite, data-default, directory, dns
, email-validate, errors, exceptions, extra, filepath, foundation
, ghc-prim, hedgehog, hedgehog-quickcheck, hourglass, hpack, hsaml2
, hspec, hspec-core, hspec-discover, hspec-wai, http-media
, http-types, hxt, lens, lens-datetime, memory, mtl, network-uri
, pretty-show, process, QuickCheck, quickcheck-instances, random
, servant, servant-multipart, servant-server, shelly, silently
, stdenv, string-conversions, temporary, text, time, transformers
, uniplate, uri-bytestring, uuid, wai, wai-extra, warp, word8, x509
, xml-conduit, xml-conduit-writer, xml-hamlet, xml-types, yaml
, fetchFromGitHub
mkDerivation {
  pname = "saml2-web-sso";
  version = "0.18";
  src = fetchFromGitHub {
    owner = "digitallyinduced";
    repo = "saml2-web-sso";
    rev = "21a00e88fef9e0e0dd1ff4c6f1d8b8bd41c29e89";
    sha256 = "0azbm7g70ch8883l8f2c149p38i983kf8g4prflp2rmd9zq4ip0i";
  isLibrary = true;
  isExecutable = true;
  libraryHaskellDepends = [
    aeson asn1-encoding asn1-parse asn1-types base base64-bytestring
    binary bytestring case-insensitive containers cookie cryptonite
    data-default directory dns email-validate errors exceptions extra
    filepath foundation ghc-prim hedgehog hedgehog-quickcheck hourglass
    hsaml2 hspec hspec-wai http-media http-types hxt lens lens-datetime
    memory mtl network-uri pretty-show process QuickCheck
    quickcheck-instances random servant servant-multipart
    servant-server shelly silently string-conversions temporary text
    time transformers uniplate uri-bytestring uuid wai wai-extra warp
    word8 x509 xml-conduit xml-conduit-writer xml-hamlet xml-types yaml
  libraryToolDepends = [ hpack ];
  executableHaskellDepends = [
    aeson asn1-encoding asn1-parse asn1-types base base64-bytestring
    binary bytestring case-insensitive containers cookie cryptonite
    data-default directory dns email-validate errors exceptions extra
    filepath foundation ghc-prim hedgehog hedgehog-quickcheck hourglass
    hsaml2 hspec hspec-wai http-media http-types hxt lens lens-datetime
    memory mtl network-uri pretty-show process QuickCheck
    quickcheck-instances random servant servant-multipart
    servant-server shelly silently string-conversions temporary text
    time transformers uniplate uri-bytestring uuid wai wai-extra warp
    word8 x509 xml-conduit xml-conduit-writer xml-hamlet xml-types yaml
  testHaskellDepends = [
    aeson asn1-encoding asn1-parse asn1-types base base64-bytestring
    binary bytestring case-insensitive containers cookie cryptonite
    data-default directory dns email-validate errors exceptions extra
    filepath foundation ghc-prim hedgehog hedgehog-quickcheck hourglass
    hsaml2 hspec hspec-core hspec-discover hspec-wai http-media
    http-types hxt lens lens-datetime memory mtl network-uri
    pretty-show process QuickCheck quickcheck-instances random servant
    servant-multipart servant-server shelly silently string-conversions
    temporary text time transformers uniplate uri-bytestring uuid wai
    wai-extra warp word8 x509 xml-conduit xml-conduit-writer xml-hamlet
    xml-types yaml
  testToolDepends = [ hspec-discover ];
  prePatch = "hpack";
  description = "Library and example web app for the SAML Web-based SSO profile";
  license = stdenv.lib.licenses.agpl3;

It looks like we forked the package for some reason: GitHub - digitallyinduced/saml2-web-sso: Library and example web app for the SAML Web-based SSO profile.

module Config where

import IHP.Prelude
import IHP.Environment
import IHP.FrameworkConfig
import IHP.Mail.Types
import IHP.FileStorage.Config
import Application.Initializer
import qualified SAML2.WebSSO.API.Example as WebSSO

config :: ConfigBuilder
config = do
    -- ...

initWebSSO :: State.StateT TMap.TMap IO ()
initWebSSO = do
    requestStore :: MVar WebSSO.RequestStore <- liftIO $ newMVar mempty
    assertionStore :: MVar WebSSO.AssertionStore <- liftIO $ newMVar mempty
    option requestStore
    option assertionStore

@marc It’s great to have this! I think it could be even more accessible if we had a demo repo showcasing it in action. But I think that for that we’d need also some server to authenticate against. Do you have a recommendation to that?

Here’s our nix package definition for the SSO package:

Where is this one going?

But I think that for that we’d need also some server to authenticate against

Back then I’ve tested it by creating a microsoft Azure account and starting a trial for the SSO server product. Then I had to add test users to my azure organisation and then could log in with them. So it’s complicated.

Where is this one going?


I think it could be even more accessible if we had a demo repo

We used it back then for getting a large enterprise client into our old product. Potentially we could open source that repo. But we need to check that it contains no hard coded secrets etc.

Thanks @marc! This might be simpler than I first thought.

Talking to our admins, we use an Apache HTTP module for Shibboleth SP to handle the SAML dance, so essentially, the Apache server will handle the redirects to IdP and login page. Then once logged in, the Shibboleth module will forward the user attributes as request headers to the target application (so in IHP’s case, we can setup Apache as a reverse proxy, but still have it handle the Shibboleth authentication).

So essentially, I just need IHP to initiate a user Session only when this header (which should contain the university ID for the user) exists. And in case it doesn’t exist, redirect to some error page.

From the code you provided, it looks like I just need to use getHeader to get the user ID, if Nothing, redirect to login/error page, if Just, query DB for user. If user doesn’t exist create the user, if user exists, load the user, and use it to login. Does that sound about right?

But I think that for that we’d need also some server to authenticate against. Do you have a recommendation to that?

@amitaibu, would this help?

I think it’s better to have something one can execute locally, rather than a service. Maybe something like this

@billksun would you up for spinning an example IHP repo dealing only with the SAML2 stuff?

Sounds great, much simpler this way.

Yes exactly

I haven’t responded to this challenge, mainly because I’ve been facing headwinds from my manager, so this project may not happen at all.

Being in the research university setting in the U.S., Python is strongly preferred, and I am against an application written on top of Django. This application is considered “mission critical” for my organization, which I think is much better suited to a statically typed language than Python. And it makes sense to bring in-house mission critical systems, especially when we have plans to expand and scale the capabilities of that system.

I saw an opportunity to move to Haskell here because I have to migrate our customizations of the said application to the newest upstream (0.02 → 1.1.5!). So not only do I have to re-implement our customizations, I also have to rework them to work with the newest upstream base. And preliminary investigation has shown that this will be very painful, to say the least. And even more so when you take into consideration that in order to keep up with upstream changes and security updates, we will have to migrate our ever increasing number of customizations frequently.

My manager isn’t technical, so it’s a little hard for me to convey the technical and operational advantages of rebuilding that application with a more robust language and having full control over the direction of the software.

His arguments are:

  1. A rewrite is too big of a project to take on. For reference, the application that I am trying to rewrite in IHP is a Resource and Allocation Management System for HPC centers called ColdFront.
  2. I will be the only developer capable of maintaining it. We have a team of 3, one cloud architect, one system administrator, and I am the sole full-time software developer. If we stay with Python, the cloud architect can help, and it will be easier to hire additional developers as well.
  3. His plan is to make our center’s name more well-known in the community, and playing nice and contributing back to the upstream project with our center-specific features was his way to achieve this. This I am trying to convey, is harder than it sounds, as we can’t force every consumer of the upstream software to adopt our customizations.

If anyone has any experience convincing managers or customers on adopting Haskell, I will be grateful to hear any advice or suggestions from you!

I have written this Haskell IHP Framework, from a Technical and Business Perspective

But, tbh, if your boss is against it, I’m not sure I’d recommend it; sounds too risky.