While following the instructions here: IHP Guide, I ran into an error running ./start. The error states that devenv.nix does not exist and I should run devenv init. Attempting to run devenv init gives an error message stating that the file /home/demo/blog/.envrc already exists.
[demo@nixos:~]$ cd blog
[demo@nixos:~/blog]$ ./start
Error: × File devenv.nix does not exist. To get started, run:
│ $ devenv init
[demo@nixos:~/blog]$ devenv up
Error: × File devenv.nix does not exist. To get started, run:
│ $ devenv init
[demo@nixos:~/blog]$ devenv init
Error: × File already exists /home/demo/blog/.envrc
[demo@nixos:~/blog]$ devenv up
Error: × File devenv.nix does not exist. To get started, run:
│ $ devenv init
I did run start once before I had installed devenv by adding it to my configuration.nix, so perhaps it was caused by that. What would be the best way to proceed? Should I just delete the .envrc file and try again?
Thanks for any help.