I’m trying to add some image handling based on this blog: A resolution switching responsive images template with Haskell and IHP. I’m pretty comfortable with Haskell, but new to IHP. I put the deets below. Thanks.
I needed to modify it a bit but I put this in Helper/View.hs:
import Web.Types
renderImgFullWidth :: Text -> Html
renderImgFullWidth imgName = [hsx|
<div style="--aspect-ratio:3/1;">
<source media={imgHD} srcset={imgPathStaticHD imgName}/>
<source media={imgBig} srcset={imgPathStaticBig imgName}/>
<source media={imgMedium} srcset={imgPathStaticMedium imgName}/>
<img src={imgPathStaticSmall imgName} class="image-full-width" alt={imgName}/>
And in Web/Types:
data ImgParams = ImgParams
{ minWidth :: Integer
, filesize :: Integer
} deriving (Show)
imgHD :: ImgParams
imgHD = ImgParams {minWidth = 1201, filesize = 1920}
imgBig :: ImgParams
imgBig = ImgParams {minWidth = 961, filesize = 1110}
imgMedium :: ImgParams
imgMedium = ImgParams {minWidth = 768, filesize = 690}
imgSmall :: ImgParams
imgSmall = ImgParams {minWidth = 1, filesize = 545}
imgPathStaticHD :: Text -> Text
imgPathStaticHD imgName = "../img/" <> imgName <> "_" <> show (filesize imgHD) <> ".png"
imgPathStaticBig :: Text -> Text
imgPathStaticBig imgName = "../img/" <> imgName <> "_" <> show (filesize imgBig) <> ".png"
imgPathStaticMedium :: Text -> Text
imgPathStaticMedium imgName = "../img/" <> imgName <> "_" <> show (filesize imgMedium) <> ".png"
imgPathStaticSmall :: Text -> Text
imgPathStaticSmall imgName = "../img/" <> imgName <> "_" <> show (filesize imgSmall) <> ".png"
Full error:
• Could not deduce ‘IHP.RouterSupport.AutoRoute ImgParams’
arising from a use of ‘IHP.HSX.Attribute.applyAttribute’
from the context: ?context::ControllerContext
bound by the type signature for:
renderImgFullWidth :: Text -> Html
at Application/Helper/View.hs:6:1-34
• In the expression:
(Data.Text.unpackCStringLen# "media"# (GHC.Types.I# 5#))
(Data.Text.unpackCStringLen# " media=\""# (GHC.Types.I# 8#)) imgHD
In the second argument of ‘IHP.HSX.QQ.applyAttributes’, namely
(Data.Text.unpackCStringLen# "media"# (GHC.Types.I# 5#))
(Data.Text.unpackCStringLen# " media=\""# (GHC.Types.I# 8#)) imgHD,
(Data.Text.unpackCStringLen# "srcset"# (GHC.Types.I# 6#))
(Data.Text.unpackCStringLen# " srcset=\""# (GHC.Types.I# 9#))
(imgPathStaticHD imgName)]’
In the expression:
(Data.Text.unpackCStringLen# "source"# (GHC.Types.I# 6#)))
(Data.Text.unpackCStringLen# "<source"# (GHC.Types.I# 7#)))
(Data.Text.unpackCStringLen# "</source>"# (GHC.Types.I# 9#)))
(Data.Text.unpackCStringLen# "media"# (GHC.Types.I# 5#))
(Data.Text.unpackCStringLen# " media=\""# (GHC.Types.I# 8#)) imgHD,
(Data.Text.unpackCStringLen# "srcset"# (GHC.Types.I# 6#))
(Data.Text.unpackCStringLen# " srcset=\""# (GHC.Types.I# 9#))
(imgPathStaticHD imgName)]
7 | renderImgFullWidth imgName = [hsx|